Istanbul gets the award for best destination in Europe
Turkey News

Istanbul gets the award for best destination in Europe

Created: 2022-06-13 Modified: 2023-11-23 Views: 4387 Luxury Signature Admin
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The Turkish city of Istanbul was awarded the "Best Destination in Europe" award by the American "Global Traveler Magazine" specialized in the tourism sector.

This came during a party held on Thursday at Lotus Club in New York State, USA.

The award was given based on a vote of the magazine's readers, with the Portuguese city of Lisbon in second place and the Polish city of Krakow in third place.

The award was received by the head of the Turkish cultural and tourism attaché in New York, Huseyin Bakturk.

Istanbul International Airport also won the "Best Family Friendly International Airport" and "Best Transit Airport" awards.

The two awards were received by Gökhan senol, Director of Corporate Communications at Istanbul Airport.


Source: Anadolu Agency

Frequently asked questions

Is residence in Turkey required to obtain Turkish citizenship?

It is not required to reside in Turkey, not even to come, as it is possible to appoint a lawyer for our company or any trusted person in Turkey to do this process completely.

Can I sell the property after obtaining Turkish citizenship?

The property can only be sold after 3 years from the date of purchase, and you must write a pledge not to sell the property for 3 years, and this pledge is recorded in the title deed (within the title deed).

Is knowledge of the Turkish language required to obtain Turkish citizenship?

Proficiency in the Turkish language is not required to obtain Turkish citizenship.

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