Everything about Sudanese real estate ownership in Istanbul
Real Estate Blog

Everything about Sudanese real estate ownership in Istanbul

Created: 2024-09-13 Modified: 2024-09-16 Views: 116 Luxury Signature Admin
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Istanbul is one of the most attractive cities in the world for various nationalities, whether for real estate investment or for living and settling down. For Sudanese individuals, Istanbul is a distinctive destination for seeking real estate ownership opportunities due to several reasons, such as its strategic location, cultural openness, and promising investment opportunities. Istanbul remains a multicultural city that attracts real estate investments from around the globe, and Sudanese people see it as an opportunity for stability and investment. Thanks to continuous improvements in infrastructure and legal reforms, Istanbul continues to be an ideal choice for those seeking to own property outside their home country. For the best experience, it is advisable to engage with reliable real estate agencies and contact us to gain valuable insights into living in the city.


Attractive Factors for Real Estate Investment in Istanbul for Sudanese Investors

Istanbul is the most populous city in Turkey and is considered the economic and cultural capital of the country. It hosts a diverse range of properties that cater to various needs and tastes, from luxury apartments overlooking the Bosphorus to traditional homes in historic neighborhoods.

Istanbul presents an attractive destination for Sudanese real estate investors looking for promising opportunities and a stable investment climate. The real estate sector in Istanbul is a vital economic sector, witnessing continuous growth supported by both local and international demand. The Turkish government seeks to attract foreign investors through policies that support real estate investments, such as granting Turkish citizenship to investors investing at least $400,000. The city boasts a developed infrastructure that includes modern transport networks, such as international airports and efficient public transportation, facilitating living and commuting within the city.

Sudanese investment in the real estate sector in Istanbul is part of the growing economic cooperation between Sudan and Turkey. Sudanese investors contribute to the Turkish economy by increasing demand for residential and commercial properties in the city. Sudanese investors may face some initial challenges, such as cultural differences and language barriers. To overcome these obstacles, it is recommended to collaborate with trustworthy real estate agencies that offer services in Arabic and possess a comprehensive understanding of the local market.


The Law on Foreign Ownership of Real Estate in Turkey

The Turkish real estate law for foreigners underwent significant updates with the amendments made in 2012. Before this amendment, strict restrictions were in place on foreign ownership of real estate. Now, the law allows foreigners from most countries worldwide to purchase real estate in Turkey under simple and easy conditions.

  • Eligible Nationalities: Citizens from the majority of countries are permitted to own real estate in Turkey, with the exception of citizens from the following countries: Syria, Armenia, Cuba, Nigeria, and North Korea.
  • Type of Property: Foreigners can purchase various types of properties, including residential, commercial properties, and land, provided that they are not located in military or sensitive security zones.
  • Area Limits: Foreigners are permitted to own real estate up to 30 hectares across Turkey.


Legal Procedures for Foreign Investors Purchasing Property in Istanbul

The legal procedures for purchasing property in Istanbul can vary based on several factors, such as whether the property is new or a resale, the buyer's nationality, and the property's location. Below are the general steps involved in buying property in Istanbul:

  1. Property Search: The first step is to find a property that meets your needs and budget. You can work with a real estate agent or search online to find properties that match your criteria.
  2. Property Inspection: Once you find a property of interest, it is important to perform due diligence to ensure there are no legal or financial issues with the property. This may include obtaining an accredited property appraisal from government-certified companies, checking the legal status of the property, and reviewing the property’s title deeds.
  3. Signing a Purchase Agreement: If you are satisfied with the property and its legal status, you can sign a purchase agreement with the seller. This contract will outline the terms of the sale, such as the purchase price, payment schedule, and any conditions of sale.
  4. Obtaining a Tax Number: As a foreigner, you will need to obtain a tax number from the tax office. This number will be used for tax purposes related to the property purchase. There are two ways to obtain a tax number in Turkey: either by visiting the tax office in person or applying for it online.
  5. Applying for a Residence Permit: If you plan to live in Turkey, you will need to apply for a residence permit. At Luxury Signature, we offer this service for free after the purchase.
  6. Transfer of Ownership: The final step is the transfer of property ownership. This involves registering the property with the Land Registry Office and paying the necessary fees and taxes.

It is important to note that the legal process of purchasing property in Istanbul can be complex, and it is recommended to work with professionals such as a lawyer or real estate agent who are experienced and knowledgeable about Turkish laws.


Reasons Why Sudanese Investors Prefer Istanbul

  1. Strategic Location: Istanbul uniquely bridges European and Asian cultures, providing Sudanese investors with easy access to both European and Asian markets. This strategic location makes Istanbul a crucial gateway for trade and investment.
  2. Stable Economic Environment: Turkey, and Istanbul in particular, boasts a relatively stable economic environment, with government policies that encourage foreign investment and offer incentives to investors. This stability enhances the city's appeal for investors seeking safe and profitable opportunities.
  3. Thriving Real Estate Market: Istanbul's real estate market is experiencing continuous growth, with increasing demand for both residential and commercial properties. The variety of real estate options available makes it easier for Sudanese investors to find investments that suit their needs and financial goals.
  4. Cultural and Social Connections: As a multicultural city, Istanbul offers an environment where Sudanese investors can easily integrate. Moreover, the growing Sudanese community in Turkey fosters social connections and supports the building of beneficial networks for new investors.
  5. Investment Incentives: The Turkish government offers several incentives to promote foreign investment, including tax exemptions on large investments and programs for obtaining citizenship through real estate investment, further enhancing Istanbul's real estate market appeal to Sudanese investors.
  6. Educational and Medical Facilities: Istanbul offers a high-quality educational system with prestigious universities and international schools, making it an ideal place for Sudanese families seeking good educational opportunities. Additionally, the availability of advanced medical services contributes to the city's attractiveness as a destination for living and investment.


Questions and Answers about Sudanese Ownership of Property in Turkey

  • Can Sudanese citizens own property in Turkey?

Yes, Sudanese nationals are allowed to own property in Turkey, and there are no specific restrictions preventing them from doing so.


  • What types of properties are Sudanese citizens allowed to own in Turkey?

Sudanese citizens are permitted to own all types of properties, including residential, commercial, and various types of land. It is important to note, however, that all foreign nationals are prohibited from owning property in military and security zones.

Frequently asked questions

Can Sudanese citizens own property in Turkey?

Yes, Sudanese nationals are allowed to own property in Turkey, and there are no specific restrictions preventing them from doing so.

What types of properties are Sudanese citizens allowed to own in Turkey?

Sudanese citizens are permitted to own all types of properties, including residential, commercial, and various types of land. It is important to note, however, that all foreign nationals are prohibited from owning property in military and security zones.

Can I get a bank loan to buy property in Turkey?

Yes, foreigners can obtain bank loans to purchase property in Turkey. Loans are provided based on the terms and guarantees specified by the bank.

What is the best way to communicate with sellers and real estate agents if I do not speak Turkish?

It is recommended to deal with real estate agents who speak English or to hire a certified legal translator to ensure that all terms and conditions are clearly understood.

How long does the property transfer process take?

The property transfer process usually takes from three days to two weeks, depending on the speed of completing the procedures and the availability of the necessary documents.

How can I verify the legal status of the property?

You should verify the validity of the title deed (tapu) and ensure that there are no debts or mortgages on the property through the Land Registry Office and with the assistance of a specialized lawyer.

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